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Posted by Stamato on December 17, 2007 at 09:22:02:
I have a 35 year old Peerless Boiler Number: JOT 35 SU / Serial Number JOT 19983 / IBR Burner 1.35 / Relief Valve 141 / 440 Sq Feet Steam / Max Water Pressure Steam:15 Water:80 (Mine is steam) / 105800 BTU Steam, 122600 BTU Water
Fuel feed is single line, no tiger loop.
I like the fact the system is as basic as they get but I need to get rid of the internal dirt and the soot.
My question is after reading for quite a while is why it was not recommended to use TSP to clean it out. Was reading that anything over 10 years old should avoid it. Alo I now know I need a burner to avoid the soot. What is the best burner for this and what nozzle and pressure would give me the cleanest burn.
The manual listed on the Peerless site does not list that model but it does look just like mine.
Without the manual:
listing where to skim from or mention the word skim anywhere. where is the best place to put the nipple to skim it. Wether I use TSP or not I do realize this thing needs to be skimmed.