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Posted by HeatPro on December 17, 2007 at 12:26:12:
In Reply to: Re: Peerles JOT W/Beckett AF posted by Stamato on December 17, 2007 at 11:32:01:
I was under the impression that the AF burner does not create enouogh static pressure to prevent soot. I don't even know it the AFG or like High retention burners were available then. If I curently have a the correct burner I will continue to burn with it and just have a good tech tune it. But If a high retention will all but eliminate the soot (don't know if this is wishfull thinking) I would go that route. And have a pro tune it.
Any heater that has been produced after a quarter-cantury ago is more often a 'flame retention' burner, including the AFG. There is no need for a burner to handle a high pressure when the passages aren't filled with soot requiring a burner to overcome the clog. As the boiler came with that burner, it is not designed for any other, which holds the meaning of 'shortcutting the labs.' In other words, it came with that burner, the JOT engineers and Beckett both tested the burner for optimum use at the price. Finding a tech 'know-it-all' with an impression that other burners are better, even when untested in the JOT won't get near to what the engineers studied.