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Posted by rob on April 24, 2006 at 08:59:32:
I have a small house that has a heat loss of about 50, 0000 BTU. I was thinking about separating it into about 4 zones, one for each bedroom and one for livingroom / dining room area. The BTU demand would range from 15K to 50K BTU. I am looking for an efficient boiler/hot water heater, with a high efficiency. Someone told me about the condensing Monitor Trinity it150 combination boiler and instantaneous hot water maker all in one, with an efficiency of about 92%. Is that boiler a good one for this use. Are there others that are even better?
I am removing my old steam piping and running hot water lines. There are "turns" from the first floor to the basement that are very tricky. I would need install prefabricated 18" peices of copper soldered together an elbow, just to get past these inaccessible turns. Is there a very flexible type pex tubing I could use for 1/2" and 3/4"?