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Posted by Joe Brix on April 24, 2006 at 16:14:43:
In Reply to: Re: which is a good gas type hot water boiler posted by joe on April 24, 2006 at 13:35:23:
Modulating boilers such as Munchkin, Weil Ultra, Lochnivar Knight are more efficent because they will modulated down to meet your minimum demand. They don't even offer a combo version, so you'd have to get some kind of indirect to make domestic HW anyway.
You'd probably get more standby loss with a combo since the heated boiler allows BTU's out the vent after the domestic HW call is done. With an indirect, you pump the BTU's into an insulated storage tank. A buffer of HW prevents the boiler for firing for 30 seconds when you just run the tap to fill a pot with hot water.
A combo might work for you, but don't expect to run any one washer appliance or take a shower at the same time since many are limited to delivering 2-3 GPM of hot water. Notice that the Trinity has 1/2" output piping on the domestic HW side to restrict flow.