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Posted by John on September 28, 2010 at 09:11:03:
Hi, I'm retrofitting an old and finished apt with a hot water piping to radiators. The old one-pipe steam risers run up and down and I'd like to install the hot water pipes up and down to each radiator on the second floor to the basement.
I'd like to connect the second floor living room and dining room on one zone without running the pipe thru the living room to the dining room.
My brother suggests piping up two floors to the livingroom and then go back down two floors, run the pipe along the basement and then continue it up and down to connect to the dining room and then bring back to return header at boiler.
what I'd like to do is put a tee connection on my supply header after the zone valve, so that when the zone valve goes on, the hot water will be delivered independently to each radiator of the livingroom and diningroom and then connect back to the return header.
will this work? if so, will a 3/4" tee suffice for two half inch lines?