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Posted by John on September 28, 2010 at 11:14:10:
In Reply to: Re: connecting two rooms to one zone using a tee at supply header after zone valve posted by HeatPro on September 28, 2010 at 10:39:06:
Hi Heatpro
you are obviously a pro and also have a sense of humor. thanks.
I'm going to do what you recommend (or guess). My brother-in-law who calls himself a plumber and I are pretty half-a**ed. We have to get heat on within the next week due to tenants' need in northeast.
Do you think (or guess based upon a total lack of information which I don't have) that its better to distribute heat more evenly through two separate half-inch loops tee-d off at supply at basement rather than a "series" half inch loop as the first (livingroom) radiator may have more heat than the diningroom radiator due to lower water temperature leaving liv room radiator of the the "series" loop.
I was hoping to use half-inch either way - either as separate loops connected in the basement or series loop connecting both radiators on the zone.
thanks again Heatpro!