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Posted by Bisseti on March 28, 2010 at 13:00:21:
I'm a homeowner looking for advice on:
I have a gutted six unit building, 4apt/2commercial, in Jersey City, NJ and am trying to figure out a central system that would provide heat to the 4 apt and dhw to the 6 units. Right now, I'm looking at using an ErgoMax to serve as both hot water heating and heating system buffer.
The variable on this one is I'd like to integrate my system with a 6-8 collector solar array on the roof. Also looked at a wastewater recovery unit.
The apartments will be insulated with icynene foam. The building is 1907 2x4 frame.
Can anyone offer me suggestions here? Not sure for example if my solar array is a viable supplement to baseboard if I managed to get the temp down... Or what would be the right arrangement of solar tank, buffer tank, mod con boiler...
Any thoughts would be much appreciated!!