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Posted by Darryl on August 02, 2009 at 16:44:57:
I have 2 LAARS EBP 175LP boilers/waterheaters that are about 6 years old and both are in seemingly continual lockout (LO) mode.
The first, which is supposedly the primary, has never operated for more than a few months without locking out. So far, I've replaced the circuit board and the ignitor (3 times!). I've probably paid more in service calls than I paid for the unit. Up until a few months ago, it would lock out every day or so; now it locks out within a few minutes.
The second boiler had, up until this past week actually worked. Now, however, it too is locking out. Plus, there's now a swishing water sound when it's operating. Finally, there's now a constant drip of water from the drain pipe.
Importantly, we are neither a large family (only two of us) nor do we live in an extremely cold climate (Santa Fe, New Mexico), so I really doubt if we've placed extraordinary demands on these units.
What's most frustrating is that no one seems competent to service this stuff. I've tried the guy who installed them, the manufacturer (VERY unhelpful), the manufacturer's west coast representative, the rep's recommended contact, etc. As far as I'm concerned, I have about 400 pounds of useless metal. Is there any hope that this stuff can be fixed, or should I just chuck it and start over? Any help would be most appreciated!