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Posted by Darryl on August 03, 2009 at 11:34:12:
In Reply to: Re: LAARS EBP 175 Lock-out posted by HeatPro on August 02, 2009 at 22:51:50:
: : I have 2 LAARS EBP 175LP boilers/waterheaters
: That would indicate that you have a house built to 1990 or later standards of about 12,000 square feet, or an older poorly insulated house of about 6000 square feet. If the house is smaller then that, the boilers are probably locking out due to firing right up to the high limit too frequently.
: There is no particular reason for the controls to fail as often as described. Read these:
: http://www.heatpro.us/service/ignitor.htm
: http://www.heatpro.us/designtree/documents/20296FC819B433A823E46BFA13B27D040DA23B6B.html
: http://www.heatpro.us/designtree/documents/DADE8B4EDB069C6DEE95ECCDB831D6233636FFDA.html