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Posted by dana on October 20, 2008 at 17:54:07:
In Reply to: Re: Deciding on a new boiler posted by ps on October 16, 2008 at 17:54:37:
: :(But if you went with almost any wall-hung modulating Takagi, Bosch or Rinnai HW heater for a boiler, the max output will be in the 140-200KBTUH range anyway- it's pretty hard to go wrong with those on a house that size no matter what the insulation level.)
: Any HW heater so long as it has an ASME "H" stamp, as by code (at least in MA) your HW "heating device" must be a certified pressure vessel. Your town inspector probably doesn't know the difference (in fact, they only inspect the gas line work - not the equipment!), but if something should go wrong your homeowner's insurance adjuster will catch it and deny your claim. Ask me how I know!
OK-you have my attention- tell me how you know!