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Posted by ps on October 16, 2008 at 17:54:37:
In Reply to: Re: Deciding on a new boiler posted by dana on October 14, 2008 at 13:20:28:
:(But if you went with almost any wall-hung modulating Takagi, Bosch or Rinnai HW heater for a boiler, the max output will be in the 140-200KBTUH range anyway- it's pretty hard to go wrong with those on a house that size no matter what the insulation level.)
Any HW heater so long as it has an ASME "H" stamp, as by code (at least in MA) your HW "heating device" must be a certified pressure vessel. Your town inspector probably doesn't know the difference (in fact, they only inspect the gas line work - not the equipment!), but if something should go wrong your homeowner's insurance adjuster will catch it and deny your claim. Ask me how I know!