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Posted by pete on December 11, 2007 at 20:26:44:
In Reply to: Re: COLD PRESSURE/ DISTANCE posted by HeatPro on December 11, 2007 at 19:41:58:
: What if you are in a ranch home with 3 seperate zones of heating, and heating the domestic hot water also, and every zone call for heat at the same time, then you would be over 250 feet of 3/4" tube back and fourth to boiler from all the seperate zones for 1 circulator to push all the water thru all those zones at the same time. Does this mean you need multiple circulators for a ranch home? Or do I misunderstand?
I would think when all zone were open that one circulator just couldnt do it. Guess I did misunderstand. Long as each individual zone is less than 250 feet your ok. So it's not a pressure thing then? Circulator will push what it needs. Is there a limit to the amount of zones for 1 circulator in this same cituation? Long as everyone is less than 250 feet?
: ++ Yes, that is the common error many novices to the idea make. When you have 4 zones, EACH zone would be no more than 250 feet and when all are open the water is DIVIDED through 4 pipes of none longer than 250 feet. So if a circulator needs to pump 2 gallons per minute through one of the zones, it will pump 8 gallons through four zones less than 250 feet each at that time.
: The circulator doesn't pump it through one zone and then have the same water go through each zone in series. That would be a circuit 1000 feet long.
: It's a concept change. If all were connected to each other in a row, that would be only one zone, not four.