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Posted by HeatPro on December 11, 2007 at 19:41:58:

In Reply to: Re: COLD PRESSURE/ DISTANCE posted by pete on December 11, 2007 at 19:30:47:

What if you are in a ranch home with 3 seperate zones of heating, and heating the domestic hot water also, and every zone call for heat at the same time, then you would be over 250 feet of 3/4" tube back and fourth to boiler from all the seperate zones for 1 circulator to push all the water thru all those zones at the same time. Does this mean you need multiple circulators for a ranch home? Or do I misunderstand?

++ Yes, that is the common error many novices to the idea make. When you have 4 zones, EACH zone would be no more than 250 feet and when all are open the water is DIVIDED through 4 pipes of none longer than 250 feet. So if a circulator needs to pump 2 gallons per minute through one of the zones, it will pump 8 gallons through four zones less than 250 feet each at that time.

The circulator doesn't pump it through one zone and then have the same water go through each zone in series. That would be a circuit 1000 feet long.

It's a concept change. If all were connected to each other in a row, that would be only one zone, not four.

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