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Popping Weil

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Posted by Patrick B on August 12, 2006 at 22:38:30:

I have a Weil Mclain PCG-4 series 6 hot water boiler that I am not sure of its age, but I would guess it to be 20 years old. This is the first hydronic heat home I have lived in and I have grown to love it. However, when the 105K btuh boiler warms up it begins to pop badly. I assume this is deposites? I have solved the problem thus far by simply turning down the pressure on the gas valve to about half of what it was and cleaning the ousides of the exchanger and bottom of the burner pan of the rust and soot flakes. It only takes longer to heat the water by turning down the gas but works very quiet now. Is it worth the time and effort to clean out the heat exchanger on this old of boiler? Or should I upgrade to something more efficient? Can I use an instant hot water heater, spend the money on a condensing unit, or just get a non condensing with an intermitant pilot? The local plumbers havent been much help. However, the guy that built the house owned a plumbing shop for ages here in town is helpful, but he is really old school. The system is well laid out, 3 zones, 2 pumps, no zone valves however. I could use any help anyone can spare.

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