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Re: adding pump delay

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Posted by Dave on April 29, 2006 at 08:35:00:

In Reply to: Re: adding pump delay posted by HeatPro on April 28, 2006 at 12:20:07:

I should have given more info.
I was the guy with the Ergomax tank install last winter. We repiped so that the Ergomax to boiler pump now only runs when Ergomax calls for heat. House circulators run independently of the boiler pump that supplies Ergomax.
However, now, when Ergomax shuts off, the boiler water immediately stops as boiler pump turns off. For about 5-10 seconds, we get this kind of clanging in the pipes that you only hear in the basement, and the boiler temp looks like it goes up to 190 or so. (normally operates at about 178).
So, I was wondering:
1. Is this "overheating" at end of call for heat "bad" for system/boiler pump.
2. Would there be a simple way to run boiler pump for about a minute or so to transfer excess heat to ergomax?
If it's not particularly bad for the system, I may just leave well enough alone.
Thanks again.

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