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Re: Should I convert? General advice wanted.

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Posted by Harold hydronicnetwork.net on February 27, 2004 at 13:14:56:

In Reply to: Should I convert? General advice wanted. posted by Bryce on February 27, 2004 at 12:09:51:

If you are not going to insulate the home so you can keep on throwing away half your yearly fuel bill into the neighborhood; I would replace the old boiler and get used to the old radiators or cover them with beautiful radiator boxes.

You will have a TOTALLY new experience with wind chill blowing air around the old house. Warm air heat GUARANTEES there is NOTHING in the room warmer than your body. Taking the 140+F radiators away from the wall and window will impress you with how cold an uninsulated wall can be; and the cold draft that falls across the floor from the parts of the wall that are not covered by heated air will prove why there is a market for leg warmers.

If you are looking to spend the rest of your life in the CHEAPEST and LEAST EFFICIENT kind of heat, then get some warm air ducts installed, so they can cool your house for two months.

Otherwise, I would simply keep the system that has proved itself comfortable for 70 years and spend less than half the money for insulation, a new boiler and a Unico air conditioning system WITHOUT having to rip up the house:

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