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Posted by Joe on March 01, 2004 at 08:02:29:
In Reply to: Follow-up questions posted by Bryce on March 01, 2004 at 07:19:11:
: Um, I am exploring my options with insulation: blowing in, replacing windows, etc. but there are certainly limitations to what I'll be able to accomplish, though, given the 2X4 exterior walls and relatively large window spaces.
Anything helps. Work on air infilltration. Leaky windows and doors are a big culprit. If attic is accessable, throw as much insulation as you can up there.
: Replacing the old boiler: What are the advantages and disadvantages of converting to natural gas from oil. Is it typically worth the headache to get rid of the oil tank?
I would only consider it if the tank was in poor shape. Is the 3ft x 6ft space that valuable? Most people say gas prices has greatly increased in the last 2 years. I've never seen gas prices drop but oil does. I would stick with a Buderus oil fired higher mass boiler for a gravity conversion.
: Is it typically possible to retrofit a multi-zone system, or would I probably have to run new pipe throughout the house?
Difficult without running new piping. You might be able to repipe/rezone the 1st floor from the basement if unfinished.
: Do you have any experience with new radiators? Is there any real performance advantage to be gained? The smaller size is appealing, but I'd need something more to justify getting rid of the existing originals.
The old cast iron rads work great. Why change them?
: RE: air conditioning: Thanks for the link to the unico system. It's something we're considering, too. In St Louis AC is used from may through october, not two months. Are there things to watch out for when specifying such a system?
You'll probably need 2 ac systems or some duct zoning. 2 systems might be easier to retro into a multi-story home. Look into ductless mini-splits for basement or areas where ductwork cannot be run.