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Re: efficient oil furnace

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Posted by keith on February 16, 2004 at 17:44:46:

In Reply to: Re: efficient oil furnace posted by Joe on February 16, 2004 at 14:38:36:

Thanks for the response Joe,

I was speaking of a tankless for DHW, seperate from the radiant, as an option compared to oversizing the furnace.

Web complaint of the day: no specs or detailed info on those sites you gave me. Efficiency numbers on the wall hung? gas or oil even?
How do those 2 stage oil burners work?

I have yet to find a number where the efficiency of the gas makes it cheaper to run propane, even though k1 is expensive.
I could run heating oil, but that means re heating the 1100 sq ft existing, replacing a very efficient heating unit, or having 3 fuels on site. Oh Boy, can't wait till the stoned out dude delivering my #2 puts it in the k1 tank! No thanks.
Does anyone have a particular experience with any of the efficient units? Opinion?

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