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Posted by Joe on February 16, 2004 at 14:38:36:
In Reply to: Re: efficient oil furnace posted by keith g on February 16, 2004 at 11:17:53:
Beware of tankless water heaters. Many are not approved for use as a space heater. Another issue is flow. A large in floor radiant with multiple zones might not need very hot water but it will need a high flow rate that a TWH can't provide.
Look at a wall hung BOILER: Monitor and BAXI are good. What are you doing for domestic HW. If you want to run an indirect hot water tank, you'll need the BTU's (90K+) so an oil fired boiler might make sense. If it all stays low temp, the wall hung's efficency, since it can also modulate, would probably save more over the added cost of LP. Would regular #2 fuel oil be even cheaper? You have to run the efficency numbers against the price of the fuels.