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Posted by Dave on December 06, 2005 at 07:51:55:
In Reply to: Re: results of temperature experiment and Phase III posted by Joe Brix on December 05, 2005 at 21:45:34:
: Any thought to getting a return temp guage installed first?
+++I looked on the inlet area of the header, and there is a plug there where a temp gauge can go, so I'll have the plumber put one in.
: If you think the short cycling issues and noise are gone now on low fire ( especially when just a single zone calls for heat), you might want to just look into geting a 2 stage outdoor reset control like the tekmar 262 (or locknivar equivilent). This will allow the high fire to be activated only when needed (maybe a few times a season) in the coldest part of the winter.
: If you still have the issues during milder weather, the added mass of the buffer tank is your only solution other then replacing the boiler.
+++So far, the boiler/system has been behaving much better. However, the small radiant loop for our master bath floor is currently not running. When that is running, the boiler tends to short cycle like crazy....at least it did with both burners running.
Plus, I am concerned about the 0012 pump that is in place, as that has failed at least 3 times (I believe due to being oversized).
Since the plumber is coming to tear apart the boiler loop to replace the boiler circ, I would think that it would be just as well to get the tank and do everything at once.
Would there be some way to prepipe things for the eventual placement of the tank without having to tear apart the system again if we determine a tank is needed? I wouldn't think that would be possible.