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Posted by Joe Brix on December 05, 2005 at 21:45:34:
In Reply to: Re: results of temperature experiment and Phase III posted by Dave on December 05, 2005 at 21:12:13:
Not a good test. The Phase III, set at 130°, will call for heat when it's aquastat drops to about 122°. So it will never go down to 90°, then call for heat, so it doesn't realy take over 20 minutes to recover. You could probably turn off priority on the indirect (if you can) since you have the BTU's to keep all the zones happy at once.
Any thought to getting a return temp guage installed first?
If you think the short cycling issues and noise are gone now on low fire ( especially when just a single zone calls for heat), you might want to just look into geting a 2 stage outdoor reset control like the tekmar 262 (or locknivar equivilent). This will allow the high fire to be activated only when needed (maybe a few times a season) in the coldest part of the winter.
If you still have the issues during milder weather, the added mass of the buffer tank is your only solution other then replacing the boiler.