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Posted by Dave on December 01, 2005 at 19:08:05:
In Reply to: Re: Change in my repiping/buffer tank schedule posted by HeatPro on December 01, 2005 at 18:39:45:
Let me see if I understand you.....
I would leave the closely spaced tees where the supply and return headers are currently attached together.
One end of that would be attached to the 2" opening on the top of the tank.
The other end of that manifold would be attached to the outlet of the boiler.
Then, I would pipe the bottom 2" tap of the buffer tank to the 0010 Taco pump and into the inlet of the boiler. And would you recommend a flowcheck in that 0010 pump?
The 1" tap on top of the tank would have the Spirovent and expansion tank with the makeup water plumbed into it. Isn't that spirovent usually connected in series into the heating circuit (usually in the supply manifold)?Did I get everything right?
And now, would the 0010 run still whenever any other zone is calling for heat like it currently does?
So you wouldn't recommend using the four taps in the tank to isolate the boiler from the system...so that the boiler pump only ran when the tank was calling for heat?