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Re: Change in my repiping/buffer tank schedule

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Posted by HeatPro on December 01, 2005 at 18:39:45:

In Reply to: Change in my repiping/buffer tank schedule posted by Dave on December 01, 2005 at 16:25:09:

As you want to keep the expense down and there are some benefits to the supply and return stubouts for John Siegenthaler's design of a zero-balance system on the manifold:
+ keep the horizontal manifold with the stubs from the right elbow to the pump mount
+ feed the manifold end (whichever is convenient, as I don't know where you are putting the tank) to the tank top 2-inch connection.
+ Feed the bottom 2-inch tap to the pump and boiler.
+ Feed the boiler outlet to the other end of the manifold which is not connected to the tank (it doesn't matter which end.)
+ Use the top tank 1-inch tap for the expansion tank and spirovent.
+ You won't have to be concerned with any other checks as there is zero-balance and just flow through the manifold when the boiler pump with its check is on - none to the zones until the zone pumps run.

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