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Posted by HeatPro on September 02, 2004 at 20:07:30:
In Reply to: To HeatPro re: your response posted by Bob Ross on September 02, 2004 at 19:08:27:
: 1. The L series items I referred to, I got by looking at Honeywell's UK website. L6190C is a thermostat; the others are aquastats. I looked at them as possibly helping with the problem; they were not recommended by a contractor.
To repeat; do not take the advice of anyone other than the Hydrotherm engineers. They have representatives that are well versed in the controls of their Multi boilers.
The wiring diagrams and controls they recommend are on the M series installation instructions at the web site given in the previous post.
: 2. Reason for the Q: as of recently, the boiler[s], an old Hydrotherm gas boiler, has been working fine with the L4600A's; when the temp O/S drops, we adjust the water temp on each aquastat. We do this as often as necessary, since the temp O/S, more than not, changes either daily or every few days; if we leave the aquastat alone, we give the owner's profit to the gas company; the tenant's also open the windows.
Recently, the state where the building is located, decided to inspect (they need the money) and ordered the owner to install a high limit and manual reset on the boiler. [they had to find something to justify the fee they're charging for the inspection].
***Most codes require a separate manual high limit on commercial boilers IN ADDITION TO THE OPERATING CONTROLS. Your code official is telling you what is in their code. I know why you are adjusting the boiler temperature, what an outdoor control is, AND the code.
Seems to us, we can not just replace the L4600A's with e.g. 4600E [high limit with manual reset] because it doesn't have a dial [or low limit] for us to set the normal operating temp of the water.
***Exactly. There was no suggestion to replace them; my post said to ADD the manual high limits to either the boilers or the manifold (as the inspector is ALSO telling you), depending on which setup you have (which you have not yet declared.)
: 3. Local supply house suggested installing a type whereby the water temp would be automatically determined via a probe extending outside, but then we would need 3 of these...so they weren't so sure this was a good answer.
*** That control is an outdoor reset control.
If you can and want to do it manually, then that is your choice.
: 4. We are awaiting a call back from the building's plumber.
Experienced people can tell that you are confused from what you are writing here. Let the people who designed the boiler solve your confusion.