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Posted by Bob Ross on September 02, 2004 at 19:08:27:
In Reply to: Re: Low limit; high limit + manual reset aquastat ? posted by HeatPro on September 02, 2004 at 14:35:33:
Thank you for your comments.
To reply to your Q's:
1. The L series items I referred to, I got by looking at Honeywell's UK website. L6190C is a thermostat; the others are aquastats. I looked at them as possibly helping with the problem; they were not recommended by a contractor.
2. Reason for the Q: as of recently, the boiler[s], an old Hydrotherm gas boiler, has been working fine with the L4600A's; when the temp O/S drops, we adjust the water temp on each aquastat. We do this as often as necessary, since the temp O/S, more than not, changes either daily or every few days; if we leave the aquastat alone, we give the owner's profit to the gas company; the tenant's also open the windows. Recently, the state where the building is located, decided to inspect (they need the money) and ordered the owner to install a high limit and manual reset on the boiler. [they had to find something to justify the fee they're charging for the inspection]. Seems to us, we can not just replace the L4600A's with e.g. 4600E [high limit with manual reset] because it doesn't have a dial [or low limit] for us to set the normal operating temp of the water.
3. Local supply house suggested installing a type whereby the water temp would be automatically determined via a probe extending outside, but then we would need 3 of these...so they weren't so sure this was a good answer.
4. We are awaiting a call back from the building's plumber.