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Posted by Harold hydronicnetwork.net on November 23, 2003 at 10:27:29:
In Reply to: Boiler Temperature posted by pm on November 23, 2003 at 00:16:07:
The boiler is most efficient when ALL the heat that the burner can get into the water is taken out of the boiler to the radiation.
Ask this question: How much savings do I get by shutting off the circulator so the boiler keeps the heat instead of sending it to the radiation?
The result of pondering this question leads you to the answer that setting a certain temperature for optimum operation during one day will not allow your boiler to provide optimum heating on other days when the conditions are not exactly the same. There is no singular temperature setting that will optimize efficiency.
Maximum comfort will be felt when the radiators put just enough heat into the room constantly to satisfy the need. A different water temperature is required for each outdoor temperature change.
Circulators are usually 1/15th horespower or less, so operating them all day is like leaving a light bulb on. You will not get maximum efficiency and savings by shutting it off. Proceed from there.