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Posted by pm on November 23, 2003 at 00:16:07:
Not to shoot a dead horse even more but I have a question about what temperature to set my boiler to. I have an oil fired Viking Boiler heating a 2500sq.Foot home with Cast Iron Radiators. The system was originally designed with a timer and a temp overide if outside temp rose above present limit, I am assuming this was to prevent the circ. pump from running when weather was warm. The system is not run via set back thermostat that I have set to 20 deg. Celsius during the day and 18 at night. The boiler is currently set at 150 and cycles from 125 deg F. to 155 deg F. Problem is that circ pump is running all day 5 am to 10 pm to heat house. Outside temperatures have been ranging from 3 - 6 celsius.
What temperature range should I be setting the boiler for optimum energy use / run times. What is most efficient. My home was built in 1940 and boiler and circ pump are original and in good condition.