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Posted by El Romero on August 11, 2002 at 23:47:17:
In Reply to: electric steam boilers verses gas steam boilers posted by felix Figueroa on April 16, 2002 at 08:32:13:
: We are currently revaluating our current steam process. The Idea came up that maybe electric boilers may work for our process verses gas boilres.We currently have a 35 horse power steam boiler and operates on natural gas. We maintain about 100 lbs of constant presure and regulate down to about 20 pounds at our tool.Our efficientioncy rate in regards to up time and maintenanace is great no problems. We are considering the possibility of using electric boilers because we are moving to a new building.What are the pros and cons electeric verses gas? can electric maintain efficiency and preasure needed? Is it more cost effective to use gas verses electric?Are electric boilers more labor intensive in regards to maintenanace? How about safety ? If anyone can ansewr any of these questions it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Felix ffiguerosteelcase.com
New posting:
On small boilers is sometimes better to run on electricity. You will save on installation costs.
Electric boilers cost more to run (about 20 to 30%)
The limitation on installing one will depend on the available power: 30 HP boiler will pull 360amperes at 480volts 3 phase (add 20% to size the fusing devices)
Then you need a min. of 400 amps pannel
Let me know if you need help or try
generalboiler.com e-mail us,
E Romero