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Posted by Dan on May 03, 2002 at 05:41:56:
In Reply to: HRSG purge concept posted by JIM on April 17, 2002 at 01:47:24:
: The Gas turbine determines the purge for the HRSG. Providing your duct burners are not being used without the gas turbine there should be no combustable gasses in your HRSG. When you purge the gas turbine you are also puging your HRSG. If you operators need any training in combined cycle operation contact me at HPC Technologies at my email address.
Could you please inform me of the purge concept of HRSG with duct burner? GT is GE 9E type.
: Is is possible to purge the HRSG at firing failure of GT or HRSG duct burner by just GT starting motor.
: and if HRSG has a FD Fan, FAN can purge the HRSG?
: Who is decide the HRSG purge, GT or HRSG ?
: Please let me know if you have a knowlege of HRSG purge. and if you have some paper or information of this, please send me my email.