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Posted by Grover C. Boone on March 01, 2013 at 12:08:39:
In Reply to: Re: Burnham v-73 2009 class action lawsuit info posted by ruth fowlkes on February 07, 2012 at 10:04:22:
I purchased a Burnham furnance abouty 10 years ago and the product craked and started to leak water. I went through the company to get another furnace installed, however, I still had to pay $2,600.00 for the labor which was not right. When I disputed it, I was told that labor was not covered. In the meantime I had to spend out of pocket money on oil to heat until this was fixed.
I would not purchase another Burnham product nor would I recommend it to any one. Also, I am looking to join a class action lawsuit. Does anyone know more information about how to pursue this?