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Posted by Barry on January 04, 2011 at 17:52:56:
In Reply to: Re: Boiler and indirect sizing posted by HeatPro on January 04, 2011 at 15:57:40:
: Be aware that an indirect has only to heat water for a few hours per DAY, not every hour. Most installers aren't aware of that, so think you have to have enough extra capacity beyond heating the house to heat water 24/7. We don't know where you are, but if your heat loss is 50,000 btuh, that will happen only in one month of the year, as the weather is warmer than that most of the year, so the boiler has the extra capacity to heat an indirect.
: Install a 60 to 80 gal indirect and you will be satisfied. The exchanger uses about 50,000 btuh max and can heat the hot water with the excess capacity not needed to heat the house for most of the year over several hours in the night and day.
: People bathe and wash during typical hours where most is done in wake-up hours, where the tank can replenish in the day and wash again at night.
: The tempering valve on the tank is a good idea as water kept over 150F kills bacteria; but is a danger to users. The tempering valve mixes over 150F water down to 110F or so, giving 30% more hot water than the tank holds.
I have the 40 gallon weil mclean tank right now, it is about 7-8 years old, don't really want to replace at this time. One thought was to maybe replace down the road when kids are using more water vs getting larger boiler right now. Would the MPO 84 or Buderus g115ws/3 both at 74000btu net sound suffucient if using HW priority?