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Re: triangle tube boiler and pump

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Posted by HeatPro on April 07, 2011 at 20:06:38:

In Reply to: Re: triangle tube boiler and pump posted by Bisseti on April 07, 2011 at 19:34:34:

: What to you think about the domestic pump, which they have on the return side? I have a 0010 with integral flow check...

+++ the Taco 0100 won't be a harm in the 1-1/4 primary; but if you ever need to drive the water through one zone alone, you might wonder where the jet plane is coming through the house. It is overkill because the charts or formulas with the height of the system is a pure mistake.

: So, I set the differential pressure valve for a certain psi - which correlates to the head loss.

+++ The formula would be part of the B&G system sizer, or the IBR guide charts that I used to tell you head requirements in the last post.

: I'm in Jersey City, NJ. Don't know if you know anyone (maybe you!) who could inspect me and my plumber's installation of the triangle tube?

+++ Call plumbers around town to ask if they took the IBR course 20 years ago and still kept and use the IBR guide or SystemSizer wheel. I taught the course back then before they closed it thinking it was an easy part-time job for engineers with no teaching experience. You might be able to get the new book from GAMA.


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