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Posted by Mark on January 29, 2011 at 16:58:09:
I have a Weil-Mclain EGH steam boiler single pipe system in my 5000sq ft office building. From what I can tell when the boiler was replaced (prior to my ownership) around 1990 the installer used an existing ITT McDonell 101 (not a 101A) make up valve controlled by a Model 67 low water cutoff. Preceding the 101 is an old, what looks like a water pressure reducer valve. Water pressure is around 100lbs before the valve and very low after it, where it feeds the 101 and thus the boiler. I guess a steaming boiler should be fed slowly when calling for water, but how slow show it be IOW if I want to replace the pressure reducing valave, what should I use? I emailed Acme who made the valve and showed pictures of it, no-one could ID it or tell me any specs, guessing it was 30 - 40 years old. I've cleaned the screen in the 101 but was told there were no longer any parts made for it. It's back together for now. Found a refurb on eBay for $50 in as new condition. I'd like to replace the water reducing valve at the same time as the 101. Suggestions please?