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Posted by Bart on November 09, 2010 at 17:57:41:
First fire of my V-33 this season. There is an exhaust leak between sections in the side of the firebox. Appears the hard cement/sealant is blown out, but no water leak, thank you Big Guy.
I can access the thin line from inside the box or the narrowing curved groove from the outside.
What should I do to repair? Don't especially want to disassemble the sections and replace the sealant, so I'm thinking of forcing in a sealing material.With the side cover off there is a tension rod near the top, but nothing visible lower down where the gap is widest. What holds the sections together below?
Intumescent silicone firestop? Hi-temp silicone? Plain old boiler cement? Jam the gap with target 'cotton' and water glass?
Thermal expansion makes me concerned about anything too rigid.
Water-filled cast shouldn't get too hot for hi-temp silicone, but what do I know about this, really? The occasional ignition THUMP indicates some strength is necessary.