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Posted by Rob on September 17, 2010 at 16:01:41:
In Reply to: Re: Boiler comparison posted by HeatPro on September 17, 2010 at 12:03:24:
: As the Camus Dynamax 150 is not a model number
: http://www.camus-hydronics.com/DynaMAX_Input_Output_Recovery.htm
: and the Prestige Solo 175
: http://www.houseneeds.com/shop/HeatingProducts/boilers/triangletube/prestigeboilertech.asp
: is a wall-hung, I might suppose the choices are among wall-hung units, so the Camus might be an 015X.
: They certainly make the choice easier, as the real heat loss of a 2600 sq ft home well-insulated as it is would be less than 80,000 btuh, so they would work modulated down to half input in the coldest weather, unless you add a pool to the system.
: So I can suppose you are looking for reviews from homeowners that had them installed, as reviews by a salesman of the product has a vested interest.
A review by anyone would be good. Yes is is an 015X meaning 150,000 BTUH. I have to say that if a salesman makes a presentation of anything it will have a bias. I am fine with that. If a salesman from each company says why their design is better that is fine, I just want someone to state it and why. I am an engineer by degree but a salesman by profession. I demand a lot from a salesman if they are trying to sell me something. SELL ME. The issues are what one views as why one design is perceived as better than the other. My initial reaction is I can't see much difference other than the tube design and I don't know why that really makes a difference. I know enough to read the material and understand the literature. I need a "features and benefits" analysis of the equipment and the literature doesn't go there far enough for me.