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Posted by Smolenski7 on April 25, 2010 at 19:46:12:
I've got a 45 gallon Super Store Indirect Hot Water Heater that is just over 4 years old running off of a Weil McClain Utra Oil Boiler (1.5 years old) that has an Intellidyne Intellicon HW+ hot water boiler economizer (1+ years old) attached to it. Everything is fairly new and usually works great, no matter how much hot water we ask for.
However, once in February we lost hot water. I didn't think much of it because my 2 small kids were bathing. One was taking a shower and the other was in the bath. At the same time the baseboard heat was on along with the dish washer and clothes washer.
Then the kids lost hot water again, this time at the end of March. Like the first time, one was in the shower while the other was in the bath. They were the only draw on the hot water. The heat was off, along with the clothes and dish washers. This was a bit concerning so I had a plumber friend stop by and take a look at the system. The only thing he could think of was that maybe one of the thermostats was on the fritz.
Now it is the end of April, and although the heat happened to be on today, it wasn't a really cold day out. The kids were bathing once again. One was in the shower and the other was in the bath. And, once again they lost hot water.
I've never done any maintenance on the SuperStore. Should I drain it to remove any sediment that may be in the tank? Or, could the thermostat be on its way to the grave yard....slowly but surely? Or, is there something else that could be the problem....maybe not even a problem with the SuperStore, but with another part of the system?