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Posted by noobie on February 09, 2010 at 18:47:40:
In Reply to: Re: weil mclain ultra posted by tk03 on February 06, 2010 at 08:29:33:
: What type of glycol are you using. It takes a special glycol for aluminum heat exchangers. Alumax is a good one but get the wallet out. If the glycol used is standard glycol it cannot be used.
: Weil has taken a beating on this but it is not their fault. They specify glycol for aluminum.
..... ok we have 4 ultra 310s doing a primary seconday loop the old glycol was acid so we flushed the system with water alot 3-4 times. ran system on water for 6 months not a problem customer did not like our price to add the proper glycol so another company installed it 1 month after glycol we lost 4 heat exchangers the glycol was aluminum safe. all heat exchangers leaking from the same spot if u take off the burner cover the top plug is leaking on the right side of it. tested glycol and it came back good. we are stumped why they r all leaking at the same spot