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Posted by Joe T on November 24, 2009 at 12:48:12:
I recently had a new gas fired W/Mc EG45 steam boiler installed and we are still ironing out some bugs. The system is a one-pipe system, which is split into two mains, with gravity wet returns. The system now heats up very evenly with no hammer, my problem is that a 3ft section of drip connection piping on one of the returns, remains cold throughout the entire cycle. This return heats up nicely right to the end of the run. The cold section is in the vertical drop to the H-loop. This drop was piped with a 90 degree offset to get around the exhaust vent, Could this 90, be causing a problem. Could this cold spot also cause a rise in boiler pressure after 40-45 minutes of firing. Any and all thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks