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Posted by Fritz on November 17, 2009 at 21:37:14:
I built my own boiler system and had the pros wire it up, but here a couple of years old, the unit turns itself off and won't re-fire. To get it to start back up, I turn off and on the power, the baffle opens, the pilot electro clicks and a moment later the fires come on and life is good.
Now I do all that but the fire doesn't come on, the pilot only tries for a minute and the unit shuts off leaving me with only a blinking greeen status light blinking.
My furnace in the rental was doing similar, and after sanding the heat sensor probe, it works happy. The Lochinavar has a thermo-coupler, probly the problem, but i thought I'd ask an expert about the status light-a-blinking. ? what to do, -thanks fritz