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Posted by johnfnwayne on November 06, 2009 at 09:52:00:
a relative of mine is builing a house after a fire...increased the sq ft by a third to 3850. the ac guy installed 3 hydronic coils(90k up,(2)50k down)and there is going to be a 65 gal indirect..to make matters more complicated: it has to be oil, and it has to be direct vent..not many options out there for a boiler in the 190k output range in direct vent.it appears that size water heater likes about 100k. is this 190k number overkill? vaulted ceilings, cathedral and tons of windows. is a two boiler set up recommended?( more options @ lower output for d.v.)what is the rule of thumb to size a boiler for hydronic coils?