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Pinhole steam leak & radiator gurgling

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Posted by mike on September 28, 2009 at 14:45:53:

A few problems left Please see if you can help me with these last few problems.
1. Gurgling sound in the botton of a 40 inch sunrad, about half way through the sections at the bottom. It lasts about 1-2 minutes and then goes away when the heat gets past. I think it slows the heat down a little to get past this point. The picth seems OK to me?
2. My header meets the Tee before going to my steam main above and a nipple and then my elbow to the equalizer. Where the nipple meets this Tee, there is a pinhole steam leak when the Boiler reaches my 1.5 - 2PSI cut out. Without undoing numerous pipes to re dope this fitting, is there any suggestion on how to stop the leak. Should I wait to see if it seals itself?
JB Epoxy Weld.

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