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Posted by HeatPro on September 13, 2009 at 12:24:38:
In Reply to: Back flow preventor Location posted by mike light on September 12, 2009 at 23:42:02:
: 1. Should the Auto water feed (feeds to return first)for my steam boiler be fed with cold or hot water?
--- In energy conservation terms it makes little sense to heat a line to a residential boiler when the boiler heats the water when it gets there. Most feeds are in the cold water supply.
: 2. Where should the back flow preventor be in relation to the loop for the auto water feed/ manual bypass?
The engineers usually draw the preventer in the cold water line to the boiler before the prv, if any. Your local code inspector will tell you where he wants it.
You wouldn't want to dump water by having the preventer follow something that could allow the pressure of the boiler to force water through the preventer toward a vessel that can absorb pressure.
: Thanks