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Posted by HeatPro on September 01, 2009 at 09:50:23:
In Reply to: Domestic Boiler Recommendations? posted by Trevor on August 31, 2009 at 20:57:48:
: 1) How to compute output BTU requirements
You compute heat output requirements by using the ASHRAE heat estimation procedure.
: 2) Where to find unbiased boiler comparison information
There are no such things. Even ones on web sites are done to get advertising money from manufacturers - they don't pay, they aren't on the list.
There are no such things because there is no agency that keeps track of boiler conditions over the lifetime of a boiler that in some cases is a hundred years. It would be spending a lifetime as a scientist for something nobody really cares about.
: 3) Recommendations from experienced tradespeople for brands/models of reliable high-efficiency boilers.
Experienced tradespeople who have the ability to write usually become business owners that settle on a brand or two to sell, so you will get the opinion of a vested salesperson for a brand or two.
The best anything is:
a - the one the person is selling
b - the one the supplier has in stock
c - the one the popular pal says was the best
: I already purchased the boiler comparison document from furnacecompare.com, but it only lists 13 brands, and excludes Olsen and Burnham, amongst others. Are there any other sources for comparison information?
The only real comparison is to go to the local plumbing heating supplier that is selling boilers to find out what they have and move the most. They move them because the local plumbers are familiar with the brand and have installed them, but are still installing them because they haven't had trouble with them.
High-efficiency boilers leave less experience because many are very new with no track record, are electronically complicated so scare plumbers, and are more expensive so sell less.
: Here are the details of my installation, which must be done within ~30 days maximum:
: Location: Toronto, Canada
: Output Capacity: About 85,000 BTU
: Old Boiler: Teledyne-Laars JVT-100C; 84,100BTU
: My requirements:
: - Electronic ignition (no pilot light)
In order to be hi-ef, it has to have electronic ignition, no choice there.
: - High-efficiency (>90% AFUE)
: - Very reliable brand/model
No track records long enough to tell. Gas ignitors have to be cleaned every year, no maintenance, no dependability.
: - Smaller package size is better
High-ef boilers are generally small.
: Thanks very much -
: - Trevor
Sorry - so many think that a boiler is like buying a car - not so, it is a rarer device, custom installed every time, in a different residence.