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Posted by John on July 01, 2009 at 11:57:38:
In Reply to: Re: BURNHAM V7 CRACKED BOILER posted by Jeremy Pippenger on April 21, 2008 at 12:16:42:
I had my furnace replaced in 2000 with a Burnham V8... It failed yesterday, the boiler was rotted... I am looking at a grand in labor costs to replace it... I agree, Burnham products are terrible. Only 8 years, you got to be kidding me... I replaced a working 40 year old furnace because of low effeciency ratings. I should had left well enough alone, instead I can expect to have to pay a grand every 4-8 years to replace this piece or crap. And to top it off, I heat with wood pellets now... This thing is only heating hot water !
Heating contractor says they have not seen many V8 failures, but that still does not leave me with a good feeling. Man I am a big proponent of "Buy American" I am starting to second guess myself on that issue. Most things we buy these days are crap, it doesn't matter how much you pay for something, it's mostly poor quality crap, especially when it comes to durable goods (what an an oxymoron)... 90 % of the crap comes from China, but it is real disapointing to see a Pennsylvania based company producing poor quality products... Makes me sad, and pissed off !
Man I wish I had some options here, but there are none. I get the warrantied V8 replaced for a grand, or pay another 5 grand for a so called premium quality furnace that will probably fail in a few years as well...
I am with you I feel used, with no options. It's almost like the furnace manufactures are in bed with the heating contractors or something.....
Attleboro MA.