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Posted by David M. McHugh on February 08, 2009 at 15:13:07:
In Reply to: Re: BURNHAM V7 CRACKED BOILER posted by geo whiting on February 15, 2008 at 20:09:41:
: We are in the process of having our Burnham boiler replaced next week (if they ship it that is). Ours was installed in March 1999 - will cost between $2500 - $2700 to install the new due to the changes between the 2 models. I read on an old site where someone was pursuing a class action suit with Alexander, Hawes and Audet and the contact email is: tkrickeberg@alexanderlaw.com. Not sure where this ever went...thought I'ld at least try and email and see if it goes thru.
: : I had a Burnham model V7 installed Jan 1997.
: : Boiler was replaced once already -- don't know exact year but obviously sometime between Jan 1997 and Jan 2008.
: : Today I discovered that boiler has again cracked (in 3 places!). Flooded basement!
: : I NEED ADVISE!... I am told that Burnham will give me another boiler at 5% cost (whatever that means, and given a 10 yr full and 10 yr prorated warranty), BUT that the V7 boiler is no longer made, due to the fact that it was defective, so the replacement boiler will be a model V8. AND because the V8 is so different from the V7 that the labor cost to install will be more than the cost of a brand new entire furnace! (Labor, naturally, not covered under Burnham warranty.)
: : Option #2: If I buy a new Burnham furnace, Burnham will give me a $1,000 rebate.
: : Option #3: I can always say the h*ll with Burnham and their defective products and go with a new brand furnace altogether.
: : I have been told that 2 out of 3 Burnham V7's had defective boilers, and that's why they were taken off the market and replaced with V8's. True?
: : Does anyone know of a Class Action Suit that I can join in?
: : I would think that given the extent of this defect that Burnham would be liable to replace my entire furnace, boiler and all -- including parts and labor.
: : Can anyone tell me what to do? I feel like I have been played for a fool. (I should have been told the first time the boiler was replaced that the model was defective, while the furnace was still under full warranty.)
: : Will appreciate all comments.
: : Thanks,
: : Peter Maher,
: : Newtown, CT