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Posted by Mark Mulone on February 08, 2009 at 13:58:00:
In Reply to: Re: BURNHAM V7 CRACKED BOILER posted by martha Lindman on July 28, 2008 at 13:16:27:
Feb 8, 2009:
Like many of you< our house had the first V7 Installed during new construction in 95. It failed and was replaced 12/2000 with another V7. This 8 year old unit is now cracked with a small leak (~1/2 gallon/day). Since I'm the second owner, they say "SOL". They will offer a $900 rebate for the purchase of the new model, I assume V8, but it still costs ~$2000 + labor and....
A friend suggested we wire weld it and see if it takes. Most likely wont and we'll replace it with a new unit. But within the 10 year warranty and so many failures, they should be liable to some degreee. New owner or not.
: Like all of you we have the exact same issue, only Petro is telling us it will cost 5,615
: .00 to install a new boiler. and since we are the sencond home owners Burnham will only give us a 567.00 rebate!
: FURIOUS! Our boiler is only 12 years old!.
: Is there a class action suit out there?Like all of you we have the exact same issue, only Petro is telling us it will cost 5,615.00 to install a new boiler. and since we are the second home owners Burnham will only give us a 567.00 rebate!
: FURIOUS! Our boiler is only 15 years old!.
: Is there a class action suit out there?