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Posted by Boilerroom.com on December 14, 2008 at 19:34:09:
In Reply to: Re: Boilerroom.com Message - Heavy Spambot Attacks posted by HeatPro on December 14, 2008 at 15:32:00:
Hello HeatPro
We have a number of different filters built into the software. The main reason we stay with a relatively simple html form format is the ability to operatate with some of our older postings. When we change to the next forum we will probably update the software. Until then we will continue to refine our filters and erase the spam as soon as it is posted. Since this site is moderated near 24/7 the spambots are a nuisence more than anything. We just hate to see innocent users see some of the junk the spammers put up if even only a few minutes before it is deleted.
: Thanks for keeping the board clean.
: There are ways to divert spambots
: by having hidden fields that let the bots
: fill out and send to spam catch sites.
: I don't find it too inconvenient to have
: picture of words symbol matching to post either.