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Posted by Ray on November 29, 2008 at 19:24:44:
In Reply to: Understanding Powerhead operation posted by Mike D on January 19, 2008 at 00:25:07:
: I'm new to this forum, and I have some (probably simple) questions for you guys. I tried searching, but I don't know enough to have good search terms, so I hope I'm not annoying anyone by asking the same things. Anyway, on with the questions.
: I just bought a house with a propane boiler running 4 zones. I think the remodel (which included new boiler, and control valves) was done in the mid 90's but I'm not sure. My question deals with the zone valves (I take it from searching that these are called powerheads). The label on the powerhead is Honeywell 40004850-001, however Honeywell does not recognize this product number on their website, and there was only 1 other hit for that on the internet, and it was this site.
: Does anyone have a wiring diagram that would show me how things are supposed to be hooked up among the thermostat, powerhead, 24vac transformer, and boiler?
: My real goal is to insert another remotely controlled relay in parallel with the thermostat for each zone. That will allow me to bypass the thermostat and manually control each zone. But first, I want to know how to everything is supposed to work because I'm having a hard time tracing the tangled mess of wires that the installer left behind.
: I hope that this post isn't getting too long, but I have another question so I can gain some understanding on how these things work. Do I apply 24VAC to the powerhead which causes the motor to open the water valve and then when the water valve is open, it supplies 24VAC to the boiler to tell it to turn on? Or to I have to send the 24VAC to both the powerhead and the boiler?
: If anyone has any pdfs of technical docs that they want to send my way, I'd love that, I really want to learn how all of this works.
: Thanks
: Mike