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Posted by anum on November 20, 2008 at 02:42:40:
In Reply to: Weil McLain Ultra Oil UO-3 - Boiler Data Analysis posted by Rob on January 31, 2008 at 02:40:20:
: Hi All, I am running a Weil McLain Ultra Oil UO-3 with Advanced features module. It feeds 2 hi velocity (HE-70 for main 2 floors and a HE-50 for the basement) fan coils units, a Weil McLain Ultra Plus 60 and in floor garage slab heat. System installed June 2007.
: I live in Northern Canada, we are currently running about 1100 heating degree days per month this time of year. My home is a certified 'Green Home' comparable to a R2000 Home for insulation, air quality and tightness. It is a total of 5200 sq. ft of livable heated space (including the 1600 sq. ft. of finished basement).
: I have been running the advanced features module data recording into an excel sheet to see how the boiler is fairing... Problem is I have no idea what to make of the data :) Nor do I know if the module was even set up properly. When my boiler guy came to hook up my in floor heat it would not work properly at all. I noted the 'Mix Type' was set at 'VAR' and changing it to 'FLOT' got it working fine. Also my outdoor design temp was set at 21C and it should have been 41C according to our Energy Advisor. I changed that but I do notice the outdoor temp sensor reads about 6 to 10C higher than actual temp. It is reading -29C right now and it is really -39C. So I compensated by setting my design temp to -30C in the boiler.
: Anyway, who knows what else was whacked out with the boiler setup.
: I have changed some things along the way since data recording began. Like turning heat settings down in the home etc. Actual run times don't seem to be affected much with little things like that, but I am hoping fuel cost (litres per degree day basis) will reflect these changes moreso.
: I was informed that the booiler was sized properly for the house. Requirement is for 70,000 BTU at 41C outside and 21C inside. Not including losses for a heated garage. So the boiler is close to requirements. He stas it should run close to 80% of the time at -41C. I read the data tonite and it will be -40 to -36 for a couple days . I will give it 48 hours and ready again to see run times at cold temps.
: Here is a link to the excel file (zipped). If any of the gurus would take a look I would be grateful to any points or default settings I should pay attention too on the boiler.
: http://www.sledporn.com/Boiler_Data.zip
: Thanks. If you would like to see all the default boiler settings from the module I can post those too. I expect some might be wrong.