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Re: Takagi KD20 vs. T-K3 as hydronic boiler

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Posted by badgerboilerMN on November 13, 2008 at 19:25:11:

In Reply to: Takagi KD20 vs. T-K3 as hydronic boiler posted by dana on October 01, 2008 at 17:18:40:

: Used as a boiler (in conjunction with a buffer tank like an ErgoMax), will the KD20 output temp to 176F perform comparably to the T-K3 set to either 150F or 176F out, (maintaining the tank at 140F)?

: The T-K3 can modulate down to about ~9kbtuh out vs. a low of ~16.5kbtuh out for the KD20, but if I run a crude cycling-loss model against my anticipated binned-hourly load it would seem there's only a ~0.6% difference average efficiency. (OK, so I'm an enginerd- can't leave it alone... :-) )

: Seems right to me, but is it? (HeatPro? Anyone?)

: (I need sealed combustion in my ever tighter house, and price wise when all the adaptor kits are added up with the T-K3 it looks like I could spend less money going with the KD20.)

: Caveats?

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